
Toppo di Travesio


Toppo, from the Friulian Tóp, is a toponym that first appeared in 1186: according to some historians, the term indicates the hillock on which the village stands. The site was frequented as far back as Roman times: traces of rustic villas with mosaics have been found at some of the farms.

The existence of the village is attested by a passage in the 6th century AD work, The Life of St Martin by Venanzio Fortunato. It mentions the foothill road that at Toppo forded the Meduna River, connecting the Alpine passes with the Po Valley.

The mediaeval village stood on the site of the Roman settlement and consisted of two nuclei, Pino and Toppo, separated by the Gleria stream. In these hamlets, the settlement of the farming community was organised according to the system of masi, small family-run farms consisting of living quarters, home gardens and plots of arable land scattered nearby. In Toppo, the village organisation based on the masi, typical of the medieval curtense system, was preserved until the end of the 17th century, leaving visible traces in the town planning and architecture of the present village.
The first attestation of the presence of a lord of Toppo, Uroino, dates back to 1160. He was the son of the Norman Siegfried, who came to Friuli from the Kingdom of Naples as a defender of the Church of Aquileia, becoming feudal lord of the Patriarch of Aquileia.

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